Why do I need to set all of these values for the CSI? I just want to set the chemical shift! Relationships among concentrations within the same sample will work (you should be able to tell that creatinine was twice the concentration of alanine in sample X), comparisons across multiple samples will work, so long as they were acquired at the same time with no changes to the NMR equipment. Remember, this technique will not allow accurate absolute quantification, but you will still be able to identify compound. If you realize while analyzing the spectrum in Profiler that most compound signatures are considerably narrower or wider than the corresponding features in the spectrum, switch to Processor (use the Jump to Processor feature), adjust the CSI width accordingly, and switch back to Profiler (the Jump to Profiler feature lets you do this with the click of a button).
Most of the compounds in the Chenomx library were originally fit using spectra with about this linewidth, so this is a good starting point for many high-quality spectra.
To fine tune your manual referencing, you can click Jump to Processor, tweak the CSI position in the CSI Editor, and then click Jump to Profiler to continue profiling.
The transform windows may not be optimal for all compounds you may not be able to move a cluster to exactly where you would like it to be.However, it would be fair to say that alanine is present at twice the concentration of acetate. For example, if you measure acetate at 1 mM and alanine at 2 mM, those numbers will not necessarily reflect the ‘real’ concentrations of those compounds in the sample. Absolute compound concentrations measured in Profiler will be inaccurate, but relative concentrations will still be reasonably accurate.
When you have manually referenced spectra using this technique, please remember: While calibrating, you can drag the x-axis at any ppm location that you wish to reference to. In Processor, load your spectrum and calibrate your CSI.
The software will try to automatically determine the best location for reference.Īlthough, we suggest that you still calibrate the spectrum manually to no CSI by referencing the ppm location to a known peak in the spectrum. When you open a spectrum of a sample that contained no CSI, you can now choose “none” as a CSI option. That being said, you can still extract some information from existing spectra of samples with no CSI. You should consider adding a CSI to any new samples that you intend to analyze using Chenomx NMR Suite. We recommend that you add a supported CSI to all samples intended for use with Chenomx NMR Suite (currently, we support DSS, TSP and formate). Can Chenomx NMR Suite be run from a networked location? After activating the software you no longer need to run it as root. Once the software is running under root, activate the software and select the “License extends to other users on this computer” checkbox. If this is not available open a terminal window and navigate to the installed ChenomxNMRSuite folder. Some file managers in Linux will allow you to right click on the application launchers in the installed ChenomxNMRSuite folder and choose “Open as administrator”.
Linux: You must run Chenomx NMR Suite as root to license it for all users. Once the folder is created, acitvate the software with a license file and select the “License extends to other users on this computer” checkbox.
The finder will ask you for your password since this directory can only be written to by administrators. Create a new folder named “Chenomx” inside “Application Support”. OS X 10.7 – 10.8: Before running the software use the Finder to navigate to the “/Library/Application Support” folder. OS X 10.5 – 10.6: When activating the software with a license file select the “License extends to other users on this computer”. Windows: When activating the software with a license file select the “License extends to other users on this computer” checkbox.